Article created:- | November 3, 2020 12:39 pm |
Last modified:- | July 15, 2021 9:41 pm |
Written by:- MJS
That statement above causes all sorts of problems with my (vast) ever growing user-base of avid readers, so here’s an outline as to why I use it so often.
In the beginning, (they (as one)), directly created the universe, and from the messy underpants of the never ending expanding bubbling Void, it also happened from within the utterances of a very simple (word.)
(She/he/they), then sat back and watched it all unfold and develop.
Hoomans are the only self aware creatures in all her creation, we knew the truth; because we were (and are), born into it.
Man, in his infinite wisdom, then corrupted the free knowledge to his own ends, and their stupid foolish blood stained women supported them. In glory, they (all) climbed the ladder of life, whilst ignorantly ignoring their grandmothers and grandfathers hard earned cherished micro moments.
** A micro moment exploring your life, your children, your parents and theirs, your death: your birth, and all the sad happy and fascinating memories, all leading to (the Here) and now in a small tiny fraction second of your existence.
People in general should explore their micro moments much more often than they currently do: because then you’d see god starting back, waiting for your next move, waiting for your balanced reply.
From Odin, to Zeus, and on to Ra! – His name was debased by the many social climbers, .. the word of the one God then became used as a panacea by the new men, all coming from that place of state male subordination, .. and female slavery.
(What did the Roman’s ever do for us?)
The holy word spread, it was taken up by others on their Holy Crusades: denouncing the demigods of Allah, Jehovah and Elohim, (in the singular), then in God’s very name; they alone crushed the infidel followers of the Devil, that some noble heads of the revered holy orders also called Baal : whilst other more enlightened pilgrims refereed to him as Hadad.
Baal, was a god worshiped in Northern Israel by the Canaanites. Not a great deal is known about them, but it’s thought that they were people who lived in the land of Canaan, an area; which according to ancient texts, *may* have included parts of modern-day Israel, Palestine, Lebanon, Syria and Jordan.
Prior to that, (Baal), seems to have been worshiped by the Semites in Babylonian, but their pronunciation was Bal, and just like the other Baal one mentioned, the godlike figure was invisible and made up of the earth and sky, whilst naturally being worshiped by both men and women alike as a fertility god. All quite benign really, and no sacrifices were ever required.
Elijah (him from the Holy Bible), took on the evil Baal worshipers by laying down a challenge, he basically bet the heathens that his god could do something that theirs couldn’t.
Light a wet pyre.
The man alone called on his one god, that couldn’t be seen, was of the earth and sky, but this god didn’t get involved with any form of heathen fertility, anyhow: Elijah won the bet, more is less.
His one God did it, whoppee! Because the false god Baal had failed in this simple fire lighting task .. the end result; was that Elijah slaughtered 452 priests of that false-fake-faith, as he then loudly and proudly proclaimed that his god was just and true.
Something to ponder on, .. and some proof to chew the fat over as well.
Link 1: godisimaginary
Link 2: jewishencyclopedia
Over a short time, in the length of time that mankind’s been around groveling in the dirt; Baal got associated with Hadad, who was denounced by all the major religions as a false-fake-evil god. Even though the Baal-Hadad combo couldn’t be seen, was of the earth and sky, and was beneficial in bestowing peace and love upon humanity, but never-the-less: those goat-loving god-humpers were following an evil fake faithless god that needed totally and utterly destroying.
An unholy fake evil label: that was then gratefully taken up by the ailing Christian and Islamic belief structures, who were also very happy to use it for their own honest ends.
Whereby they then (all) called that foul belief, a form of Beelzebub in demonology, and verily-so did it come to pass, .. that the hated demons of deep legend were born, .. out of hot air.
Time moves on, and now the hordes of slave worshipers in their Holy Crusades, crushed the false names of the God of Abraham; whose many names was exactly the same as their very own cherished god.
By now, .. all of the manic millions of slave worshipers; on both sides of the ever widening chasm, have completely missed the point, stated repeatedly by the original (slave of faith.)
** An uneducated-man who was crucified for his own beliefs, and had repeatedly told us ad-nosism through his many gospel writers that he employed during his short lived life, to:-
Pool your resources, help each other, and live without sin.
Reject the fine polite synagogues and the gaudy rowdy temples, cast out the money-men.
Reject the trappings of power, and also the corrupt churchmen who revel in such political obscene opulence.
Then without your state run churches and mosques behind you, go back to basics.
And simply praise her name.
And now you know what it means, ..
(What did the Roman’s ever do for us?)
What they in fact did, .. was infect the entire bloody world with their bloody Roman slavish attitude, directed mainly to their costly piddling bloody locally driven gods, that then gave way to the very bloody costly First Council of Nicaea, ..
Nothing you read in that link above should be believed: it’s one big pack of pious lies, especially where the pious Catholic Bishops where concerned. Who found themselves firmly in charge after the mysteriously disappearance of the free thinking Arians.
In total command, was where they then happily divvied up the highly profitable Roman empire, whilst also leading the stinking striking rebellious slaves astray: who were the very stinking striking rebellious slaves, that had collectively brought the mighty Rome Empire to its knees, thusly forcing the bloody corrupt Senate to finally recognize the troublesome Christians as an officially recognised faith structure.
A slave faith that doesn’t require a church: temple or unaffordable priest or offering to forgive you your life sins at death, and death wasn’t the end in this faith, because Christians were given a place in the afterlife, that was guaranteed if you followed the sinless carpenter, and everyone who had nothing, all freely followed the free religion.
But to hear the holy pious stories from the Web concerning that glorious time, you’d think that Rome gave in cos god and the loveable trading Greeks made it so, (they and he didn’t), but as a result, the bloody women got buried alive as filthy whores in the noonday sun, and this happened as the corrupt Bishops moved ever on, blessing and bestowing their Christian love on every man that they ever came across.
Then once more as before, the opulent churchmen: as the many costly priests before them, finally took over the faith structure in Holy Rome itself, but where does that top down privileged theology fit in with the crucified man?
As a consequence of the great take over from the dirty ignorant common-man, the message got lost, found again in 670AD; give or take a couple of years: then lost again, but for all time – this time.
** And this time; it was after the death of yet another uneducated man, who had started out life as a solitary hill-walker, but his heinous crime was not anointing his heirs, after finally coming down off of that bloody mountain.
Warning, .. mega schism ahead, ..
Thanks for reading, Jessica: (see above.)
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