** Primary Note, ..
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Note: if you see a (*) against a menu option, means that the article has a download link associated with it.
WordPress developer, ..
(( search box )) located here.
WPBeginer, gotta say here: that this website has some really cool stuff on it, and it ain’t just for beginners neither, but it does has a Noob approach to searching for stuff. It also has a very heavy emphasis on the over-use of paid Plugins in my opinion.
StackOverFlow, not a Noob in sight: except for some of the unresearched questions being asked, here be the questionable search box in, ..
(( question ))
The Mozilla support site is a right royal bitch to navigate, but it does have some real neat stuff on it to peruse. Downside, you do really need to know what you want to find — before even looking for it. The place is not Noob friendly at all, that said, it’s got shed loads of brilliant examples.
But above all, there’s the king ‘n’ queen of all searches, ..
Google itself.
** Remember, this stuff discussed here can kill your website stone dead, so only proceed with a current backup under your belt.
This page title is, ..
The current non commercial, but essential writeOn plugins are as follows:-
Select writeOn Contact Form Using Ajax.
This submits emails through an ajax call, that takes its original input from a standard contact form. It’s part of an online u-Tube tutorial found here by Joshua Herbison.
** The original plugin has been heavily modified by me for my own site use, with little o’ me now producing two distinct customer contact forms: one of which is currently included as the double input field for the Dark Times subscription, found half way down the sidebar. I also included the ability to run the forms from two distinct shortcodes.
Select writeOn Email Template.
Replaces Standard WordPress Email Form, and as above: it’s another u-Tube tutorial by Joshua Herbison.
Select writeOn Font Resizer.
Blurb:- This website Font Resizer allows your website visitors to change the font size of your text.
Version ** 1.5.0 | Now held in custodial repose by Mrs Jessica Simpson, (formally written by Marcel Pol)
** I have heavily modified this Plugins core PHP code for my own use.
Select writeOn Personalize Login.
A plugin that replaces the WordPress login flow with a custom pages on all four squares.
Version 1.5.0 | By Mrs Jessica Simpson.
** The tutorial itself never went as far as adding a personal Profile page, dispute mentioning it when the code was constructed way back when, .. in an in depth article penned by
Currently I’ve found some redundant code on the web for use in the input screen, and little ol’ me will be using it as soon as the (Logged in Bugs) are sorted out.
All of my own modified plugins will soon be available as part of the mega site download, but I can send them to you should you wish to play around with some rough code: cos there’s nothing better than playing with a bit of rough.
 Note: if you see a (*) against a menu option, means that the article has a download link associated with it.
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