** Primary Note, ..
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Note: if you see a (*) against a menu option, means that the article has a download link associated with it.
WordPress developer, ..
(( search box )) located here.
WPBeginer, gotta say here: that this website has some really cool stuff on it, and it ain’t just for beginners neither, but it does has a Noob approach to searching for stuff. It also has a very heavy emphasis on the over-use of paid Plugins in my opinion.
StackOverFlow, not a Noob in sight: except for some of the unresearched questions being asked, here be the questionable search box in, ..
(( question ))
The Mozilla support site is a right royal bitch to navigate, but it does have some real neat stuff on it to peruse. Downside, you do really need to know what you want to find — before even looking for it. The place is not Noob friendly at all, that said, it’s got shed loads of brilliant examples.
But above all, there’s the king ‘n’ queen of all searches, ..
Google itself.
** Remember, this stuff discussed here can kill your website stone dead, so only proceed with a current backup under your belt.
This page title is, ..
Listed below, represents the absolute minimum commercial plugins that I’ve used on this website: the non-comms (including my own efforts), are included in a separate page.
Akismet Anti-Spam.
Used by millions, this plugin is quite possibly the best way in the world to protect your blog from spam.
Your site is fully configured and being protected, even while you sleep.
Version 4.1.9 | By Automattic.
I’ve got this, (obviously), because it’s installed on every WordPress site by default, but god’s honest truth here: I’ve got to say that it does jack to stop spam, so just don’t expect miracles,
not even a must of worth.
Lazy Load for Comments.
The plugin loads the comments section, but only after user clicks on a button, or scrolls down the screen. It saves page load time.
Version 1.0.10 | By Joel James.
** What else it does, is stop spam dead from even getting to your system.
Mail Bots, are every scrip-kiddies favorite delivery medium, especially for spam, but the Bots can’t press buttons: result, .. no more spam.
it’s must must must.
WordPress site security deserves a page all on its own, because these days, you simply must use something as a software firewall (a moat), that will deter the mindless script-kiddies and moronic hacker attacks, but the (drawbridge) must also allow your user-base ((new and old)), free access when they come-a-calling: read all about my solution here.
** The link opens a new window.
Read More Without Refresh.
Boost your SEO without affecting user experience, and all done via a simple plugin that will use JavaScript actions to show/hide extra text: that’s then activated through a WP shortcode call.
Version 3.1 | By George Gkouvousis.
** Oh yes: it really works, which is a bonus – because a lot of the bloated read-more plugins simply don’t. I even donated to the running costs of this one.
[ Read more ]Easy WP SMTP
Send email via SMTP from your WordPress Blog
Version 1.4.6 | By wpecommerce, alexanderfoxc.
** The many mail servers found out there, (all) happily servicing the very many varied cheap hosting plans, that will (all) simply kill off your private emails, especially if your sending email address, doesn’t match the sites admin name.
My reflection on Newsletter Plugins, which are (all) built on top of this very simple platform.
[ Read more ]
This very simple plugin, really is needed, with the mail-logs saving you hours of work in tracking down why the super-duper re-mailers don’t work, the logs are especially useful in showing what the internal WP Mailer has done behind your back.
must we? we really must!
Ivory Search.
The WordPress Search plugin that includes Search Form Customizer, WooCommerce Search, Image Search, Search Shortcode, AJAX Search & Live Search support!
Version 4.6 | By Ivory Search.
** The above search description is only available in the Pro version, what did I say about web standards?
To be able to search your entire sites contents, then this is a must, ..
if you must.
The Classic Editor.
Enables the WordPress classic editor and the old-style Edit Post screen with TinyMCE,
Meta Boxes, etc. Supports the older plugins that extend this screen.
Version 1.6 | By WordPress Contributors.
simply a must!
Select Advanced Editor Tools (previously TinyMCE Advanced).
Extends and enhances the block editor (Gutenberg) poxy piece of shit, and the classic editor (TinyMCE).
Version 5.6.0 | By Automattic.
** It isn’t a very nice program to work with, as it constantly favors that poxy piece of gut-less-shit all of the time.
This set of scripts: effectively gives you back all those TinyMCE Plugins, that you thought lost in the annals of upgrade time, ..
a must of sorts.
Insert Pages.
Lets you embed any WordPress content
(e.g., pages, posts, custom post types) into other WordPress content using the Shortcode API.
Version 3.5.9 | By Paul Ryan.
This puts a menu box on the top row of the editor, and from it you can include page content from any Post or Page on your site. Possible usage is a standard ( terms of service page ), updated once, but shown all over.
** I personally use it for my (popups) (warnings) and (duplicate-pages) of content, where the articles can appear in several different Template locations.
Simply brilliant, ..
another must have.
WP Pods.
Custom Content Types and Fields
Pods is a framework for creating, managing, and deploying customised content types and fields
Version 2.7.26 | By Pods Framework Team.
** With this horribly complex plugin, all sorts of weirdly wonderful things are possible.
The plugin even includes (me) supporting it with an annual donation, that’s how good it really is.
must doesn’t even come close to it, it’s a real powerful musty bugger.
WPvivid Backup Plugin.
Clone or copy WP sites then move or migrate them to new host (new domain), schedule backups, transfer backups to leading remote storage. All in one (NOT!)
Version 0.9.51 | By WPvivid Team.
** I can’t say that I’m impressed with this nosy invasive backup plugin, but it does give me my secure (backups), that can then be saved in several locations: only if I work at it.
All of the wonderful features mentioned above, aren’t actually included in the standard free version, but it does work out of the box; which is good selling point.
It’s a must if you must, and you must have a backup.
That’s all Folks! – Hope it helped.
 Note: if you see a (*) against a menu option, means that the article has a download link associated with it.
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