[ Daily Archives: ] 5th April 2019

the History of Histo...

Article created:- April 5, 2019 5:57 pm
Last modified:- July 16, 2021 12:35 pm

[ MJS ] is accredited as the author.
It is cataloged in [ News, Outings ]

History, as they say, is written by the victors, but from reviewing the facts; then I can state that there have been no victors in this battle. Only winners. Winners who balance their books. Book keepers who maintain profit above all other. Profits who can’t see past their next profitable dollar. Profit mongers that are ruining the environment for the bottom line. Arseholes that swill their fine wine whilst looking out across the smog ridden skyline. A skyline of their own creation, with all the CEOs living in an atmosphere […]

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April 2019


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